Bali is one of the cities in Indonesia with beautiful destinations, culinary, and hotels. And if you want to heal and release your stress, Bali is the right place you can visit. Not just see the destination, but you can enjoy the staycation. Many hotels that were offering beautiful views of Bali. You can choose one of them. And I recommend one of the best places for a staycation in Bali. Yap, Black Lava Camp Kintamani.

black lava camp kintamani

Usually, when I visit places, I look for the hotel on the spot. I rarely order accommodation far in advance. Why? Because I always enjoy the get-lost journey. So, I do for this hotel too, Black Lava Kintamani, one of the best glamping Kintamani. But, how pity me, I lost some pictures.

Black Lava Camp Kintamani Bali

After I went from Padang Bay and around Ubud for a long day, my friends and I visited Kintamani. We still have no idea where we will stay at the hotel at that time. Then, the driver lets us know about the Black Lava Camp Kintamani. I was looking for information about this hotel, and I love it. I was intrigued because this hotel received nearly perfect scores.

From Black Lava Camp, you can enjoy a fantastic view of Mount Batur from in front of your room or relax in the hot water swimming pool in the restaurant area. I felt healed totally. I enjoyed the fresh air and incredible view. In the morning, you will enjoy the beautiful sunrise accompanied by fresh air.

black lava camp bali
Wooded terrace in front of the room

At night this area is so cool. If you are allergic to the cold, you must bring a jacket. But, the temperature will be warm even if it is so hot during day time because this hotel doesn't use an air conditioner.

This hotel is in a remote location and should be a romantic or at the very least a pleasant family destination, or maybe it is fit for the couple or honeymoon. The place is tranquil. It is comfortable for refreshing.

Don't forget to bring your swimsuit if you plan to stay in this hotel because they have an infinity swimming pool in front of the restaurant and reach Mount Batur closely. At noon you can enjoy beautiful views of the volcano from the wooded terrace.

Kind of room

Black Lava Camp Kintamani or Black Lava Batur has many rooms you choose as your preference. They have Family Suite with a private bathroom. Also, they have a Suit Room with a personal and shared bathroom. The price starts from 1.8 million to 2.5 million rupiahs. Both of the rooms with permanent buildings. The other, Room Onion and Potato, is a tent. They have private and shared bathrooms.

suite room black lava
Kind of Suite Room in Black Lava Camp

Black Lava Camp Kintamani has two kinds of bathrooms. It is a private and shared bathroom. You can choose your needs. I am comfortable with a private bathroom, but the private room was unavailable at that time.

The Prices

I ordered this hotel by hotel application. At that time, only three rooms were left. Onion 4, Potato 6, and Potato 7. I decided to choose Room of Potato 7. Because the interior of the room is bohemian, I love it. This room is only for two people. I got the price of Rp. 700.000 one night, including breakfast for two people. After the booking, the hotel called me and asked when we would come.

black lava batur kintamani
One of the tents at Black Lava Camp

You can order this hotel from their website or buy through the hotel application. They have many offerings and discounts, which definitely will save your money. If you want to try glamping in this hotel, ordering ages away before you go will be better. I think (maybe) the rooms are still available in all kinds.

The facilities

According to the website, the hotel offers many facilities if you want to explore the area around Black Lava Camp. It is barbeque facilities, bicycle tracks, mount Batur trekking, hiking trails, campfire facilities, and Jungle Bike Tours. You can ask the receptionist, including the shuttle service, to pick up and drop off for the price.

black lava batur
Swimming pool in front of the restaurant

Besides, they have a swimming pool near a restaurant, a bar and restaurant, a parking area, a jogging track, and a spot for taking pictures. It will fit you who like photography. You can take photos of Mount Batur from this area or enjoy the sunset or sunrise. Don't worry, in this hotel, you can enjoy wifi too so that you can reach all your family and friends or be active on social media.

black lava bali kintamani
One of my fav food in Black Lava Camp

You can enjoy many kinds of Indonesian food, like Nasi Goreng, Noodles, Pizza, Soto Ayam, and many food choices. Besides, you can order many drinks, like coffee, tea, mineral water, juices, and alcohol.

The transportation to the hotel

We must ensure when we will arrive because this hotel provides a shuttle service to and from the hotel. The in-house staff has impressive customer service and is friendly, including the driver and assistant who picked us up. He was familiar. They helped us fully smile. They brought our baggage to the front of the room.

But if you want to bring your car, Black Lava Camp Kintamani has a parking area, which means it will be safe for your car. But you have to make sure your vehicle has high clearance and enough power, such as four-wheel drive, SUV, AWD, etc. Because they have extreme road conditions, currently bumpy roads, and no asphalt.

The destination nearest to the hotel

Black Lava Camp is located on Jalan Bukit Payang, Number 88, Kintamani. We drove around 1 hour from Ngurah Rai International Airport. 

Black Lava Bali is near many destinations. It is Lake Batur, Mount Abang, Mount Batur, Trunyan Village, a hot spring, Kintamani Highland, an organic farm, and many places you can visit from this place.

My thought

This hotel is so comfortable for refreshing, it is a quiet hotel at night. Fit for refreshing or go with your couple or your family. They have good service, delicious food, a clean place, and a beautiful view at noon and in the morning. Mount Batur is one of the best views that you can reach.

Book this hotel many days before to get the price cheap. 

Have you been here? If yes, you can share your experience and feelings as long as you stay there.

51 Comment

  1. Pengen banget bisa merasakan liburan yang nyaman kayak gini. Sekarang memang lagi naik daun ya liburan ala glamping. Bisa merasakan sensasi tenang dan nyaman, tapi fasilitas tetap lengkap dan oke.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Kintamani memang alamnya wow cakep, dah penginapan model rumah iglo ini lagi hits.
    Kemarin agustus mau booking model spt itu tapi gak jadi karena tujuan utama mencari lokasi terdekat dengan pohon trunyan.
    Siapa tau next time ada rejeki ke Bali lagi explore ke tmp dan penginapan yg unik unik. (Gusti yeni)

  4. Such a nice place to stay. And I love how the named their rooms by vegetables name such as onions and potatoes. Refreshing and entertaining

  5. What a nice place for vacation. I interest with the view and I think the price worth it. It's completely amazing place. Thanks for a nice review

  6. aku sangat interest dengan tempat seperti ini, sayang waktu setiap kali ke bali tuh terbatas. Jadi harus long stay min.1 minggu untuk bisa keliling.

  7. Tempat ini memang merindukan, saya sudah sempat menginap disana dan akan selalu menjadi tempat fav kalau pulang ke Bali.

  8. Bali always give the best for our healing, including Black Lava Camp Kintamani. Everything so wonderfull with service, foof, place, and beautiful scenery. Then, the price is so reasonable, which is good

  9. This is very nice place for holiday and 'healing'. Bali always be a good idea for traveling. So many places that we can explore in Bali besides beaches and villages, such as Kintamani and Mount Batur. Thank you for sharing this great experience.

  10. Beugh mauuu bgt cuss ke siniii
    Sama kluarga makin enjoyyy
    Super duper LOVE BGT

  11. Kayaknya aku sempet liat penginapan ini deh pas cari hotel Maret lalu. Tapi akhirnya memang ga jadi stay di kintamani dan lebih milih ke atas lagi mba. Soalnya waktu itu memang sengaja cari yg bener2 dingin 🤣. Kintamani daerah fav ku, tapi utk hangout. Cafe2nya cakep sih, lebih menarik dari Ubud. Apalagi lebih dingin dan lebih bagus view-nya. Kapan2 kalo ke Bali lagi, cobain stay di kintamani lah

  12. Ini sih bener2 glamour dan enggak berasa camping, ya. Baru tahu aku ada kamar kemah seluas dan seindah ini

  13. Aduh cakep banget view dan fasilitasnya mba. Semoga ya dalam waktu dekat ada kesempatan liburan kesana

  14. Bali memang nggak ada matinya ya mbak
    Selalu banyak spot wisata yang bisa dinikmati
    Semoga liburan akhir tahun ini bisa pergi ke Bali...

  15. daya pikat Bali itu tidak ada matinya ya Mbak, cakep banget ini mah.. pengen deh kalau ke Bali merasakan stay di suasana seperti ini juga, noted nih rekomendasi Black Lava Camp Kintamani nya.

  16. duh ini Bali nya aja udah indah lhooo.. ditambah ada glamping gini makin deh sempurna banget kayanya kalau bisa liburan kesana ya hihi

  17. Saking lamanya gak ke Bali, aku udah lupa what it is like. Tapi dengan baca review kayak gini, jadi punya gambaran lagi tentang Bali, thanks a lot kak

  18. ya ampun sebagai anak kudet dan rumahan, mupeng banget pengin ke kintamani huaaaa :')

  19. aku pengen balik lagi ke Bali :( soalnya lihat suasana ijo-ijo gini emang bikin lebih bersemangat buat healing hehe

  20. Hotelnya dekat dengan Gunung Batur yang termasuk gunung berapi, apakah masih dalam jarak radius yang aman?

    Soalnya Gunung Batur yang cantik itu terlihat jelas dari Black Lava.

    Nama hotelnya juga unik dan layanan plus fasilitas yang ditawarkan cocok banget bagi tamu yang memang sangat suka bertualang.

    Dekat pula dengan lokasi wisata favorit.

  21. Pemandangannya cakep banget ya apalagi kolam renangnya, puas deh liburan dan staycation di sana, mupeng mau ke mana nih habis pandemi semoga sehat dan ada rezekinya aamiin

  22. Keren penginapannya, Mbak, seperti tenda di tengah padang rumput lengkap pula dengan teras. Harga cukup terjangkau, daftar fasilitasnya pun oke punya.

  23. It would be a very nice place to spend holiday in Bali. <3<3

  24. I want to go to Bali. Release stress and healing. Black Lava Camp Kintamani Bali is very good. I agree with that.

  25. A very interesting and unique hotel. I can't believe it has a (5 stars? )hotel service, but indeed it look nice, neat and clean. I wish to see more, its so unfortunate that the pictures had gone somewhere

  26. Salah satu impian saya pingin menginap di hotel tapi belum terwujud sampai hari ini. Review hotelnya makin menggebu keinginan menginap di hotel

  27. Tetap ya.. Bali dan segala entertainingnya yang menyenangkan.
    Explorasi bangunan yang berpadu dengan alam yang indah dan mencoba menginap di camp indah seperi Black Lava Camp Kintamani ini akan membangkitkan semangat kecintaan terhadap alam.

  28. Wow, I've never been to Kintamani. Seems you've had such a wonderful place to stay, Mbak. The suite room looks huge and comfy. Combined with those views and ambience, all are perfect.

  29. Balii luas dan kereen indah-indah, banyak penginapan maupun cafe instagramable unik dengan menghadirkan pemandangan yg luar biasa.
    Kintamani emang viewnya cakepp banget yaaa.... (gusti yeni)

  30. Balii luas dan kereen indah-indah, banyak penginapan maupun cafe instagramable unik dengan menghadirkan pemandangan yg luar biasa.
    Kintamani emang viewnya cakepp banget yaaa.... (gusti yeni)

  31. The place is so beautifull. Hope someday My Family can go there.

    1. Baguus banget tempatnya mbak, semoga suatu hari bisa liburan kesana aamiin aamiinn

  32. Bali always beautiful
    Mencoba glamping di Bali akan jadi pengalaman seru yang tak terlupakan pastinya

  33. Wah Bali mmg nggak ada habisnya ya

  34. Dari dulu kepengin nyobain glamping belum kesampaian. Zaman tinggal di Jakarta kepentok waktu kerja. Giliran cuti atau libur temen yang diajak jalan berhalangan. Udah resign balik ke Surabaya eh ada pandemi. Asik banget ya glamping.

  35. suite roomnya terlihat cantik dan nyaman bgt. semoga suatu saat bisa ke bali dan berkunjung ke kintamani

  36. Wah bisa jadi referensi nih kalau liburan ke Bali. Tempatnya cocok banget buat healing

  37. Bali gak pernah gagal buat hadirin wisata berkelas. Yang saya suka nih konsep kamarnya yang menyatu langsung dengan alam...Konsep seperti ini, memang lagi banyak disukai..
    Bisa jadi buat referensi nomor 1 satu nih, kalau main ke Bali

  38. Tempatnya bagus bgt, wajib jadi wishlist pas ke Bali, bener bener menyatu dengan alam, semoga segera aku sekeluarga bisa kesana, Bali memang slalu bikin kangen

  39. Belum pernah mencoba glamping dengan nuansa alam seperti di kintamani ini Mba.

    Saya pikir untuk Bali dan sekitarnya cost 700K/malam cukup menarik ya. Karena tak hanya fasilitas standar hotel, pemandangan sekitar juga menjadi fasilitas yang menyenangkan bagi wisatawan

  40. Beberapa kali ke Bali belum pernah ke Kintamani. Next harus cobain sih ke situ

  41. Back Lava Camp Kintamani ini asyik buat hanimun. Semoga suatu saat bisa ke sana bareng suami.

  42. Never been there, but really it's like coincident, I am looking for a house/villa/hotel for my not-so-future traveling and tadaaa I come accross to this article. But, is it really cold in there or just in the middle? I have allergic to cold if too cold heu.

  43. Pernah ngincer penginapan unik ini, tapi karena beberapa alasan jadi urung.
    Padahal daya tarik keindahan alam yang disuguhkan sekitarnya benar-benar mempesona terlebih bisa menyaksikan langsung pemandangan Gunung Batur 

  44. Bali is a beautiful island, many object can visit and good place for meditation, take a close with nature and enjoy sorroundings

  45. glampingnya bagus banget, ga berasa camping sih kalau ini, enggak nyangka kalau interiornya dalam tenda

  46. Bintangin dulu ygy, soalnya pengen lagi ke Bali... keliling gituu pumpung masih muda hehehehehe

  47. Some people said, Bali is paradise. No doubt! Bali has many beautiful things. Even though i didn't read the title, i know it's in Bali!

  48. so beautiful ya. So interest with this stay cation place. Bali is wonderful

  49. Belum pernah ke Bali sih, makanya ini masuk dalam listku untuk tahun depan. Semoga bisa terwujud.

  50. pengen banget liburan ke bali sih ini, apalagi banyak pilihan wisata yang ditawarkan baik kuliner maupun penginapannya bahkan alamnya


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