All passports from all countries look similar because, in 1920, the League of Nations agreed to standardize all passports worldwide. All passports must have a specific size and the same number of pages. But inside passports, every country has exclusive and beautiful design features that represent the country's identity. Besides, the design will introduce the country to the globe. Here are the top 10 countries with the most beautiful passports in the world according to my opinion after I saw some of the references.
Source: Canva Recreated by Writer |
The Most Beautiful Passports in the World
Australia is well known for Kangaroos, emus, and platypuses country, that's why you will find these animals when you check inside the passport under ultraviolet light. Even you will see the floating kangaroos above the page when titled the passport. This design makes Australia’s passports extremely difficult to forge by anyone.
Canada's passport is printed in two languages, English and French. It is embossed with the Royal Coat of Arms of Canada. When you put the inside passport under ultraviolet light or in the dark or shine on blacklight, you will see the colorful and dull colored landmarks, illustrations of iconic Canadian scenes, and symbols like technicolor maple leaves and Niagara falls. So that's why Canada's passport includes the most beautiful passport in the world.
Each page of China's passport has a unique design from all 34 provinces and cities. All pages describe uniqueness. Like other countries, China's passport has an ultraviolet secret too. When you put it under black light or ultraviolet light, the Chinese passport illustrates China's landmarks, like The Great Wall of China, Victoria Harbor, Sai Wan Bridge, Shaanxi Terracotta Army, Forbidden City, etc.
Finland is one of my bucket lists to travel to. They have a beautiful country and have become one of happiest countries in the world. Norway, they have a beautiful design passport. Finland's passport was redesigned in 2012 and inside the passport is a Finnish passport that depicts the northern landscape, fantastic nature, northern lights, snowflakes, and hills. Then you will find moose animation inside the passport because, in 2019, Finland was named a leading wildlife destination for travelers.
Yeah, proud to be Indonesian. My country includes the top 10 most beautiful passports in the world. Indonesian passport really has an incredible design. Because each page colored drawings of the island nation's impressive flora and fauna. It describes we have biodiversity.
You will find Komodo, which you can find only in Indonesia, on one of the pages Indonesia Passport. The others is a Rafflesia, one of the giant flowers in the world. Besides, you will find Angklung as one of the traditional musical instruments in Indonesia on one of the pages of Indonesia's passport.
Indonesia Passport
Source Picture: Sartoni -
The government of Ireland redesigned its passport in 2013. It represents the country, such as Irish music, architecture, and the natural beauty of the Emerald Isle. Croagh Patrick and Croke Park are one of Ireland's most popular places, and you will find this landmark on Ireland's passport page. Also, you will find Clifts of Moher and Dublin's iconic River Liffey.
Have you seen Hungary's passport? When you put it under ultraviolet light, you will see the Hungarian national anthem, Szozat, a patriotic song. Completing the musical scoresheet and lyrics. That's why Hungary's passport includes one of the most beautiful passports in the world. It is incredible.
New Zealand
New Zealand is one of my dream countries to continue my study. Talking about this country is so interesting. Actually includes one of the most beautiful passports in the world. They have chosen the cover passport to be black with silver embellishments. Besides, the cover of a passport is engraved with fern leaves.
Norway launched a new passport on October 18th, 2020. The first I saw this cover passport, I fell in love. Because the color is so beautiful. Norway has three color variants, red for standard, white for immigrant, and green for diplomatic. All my favorite colors are blue, red, and white. The inside pages describe Norway's natural landscape. And if you look at the passport under ultraviolet light, you will see a vivid holographic image of the northern light shimmering above a range of mountains.
Norway Passport
Source Picture: Neue Design Studio
In my opinion, the most beautiful passport in the world, the latest I chose is the Philippine passport. In 2016, the government released a new passport design. The design features colorful illustrations of natural landmarks, animals, and popular tourist destinations. And if you can read Tagalog, you will see an accompanying national anthem sentence on each page. It is unique, and you never find it on others' passports.
Besides, the design, like a tourist guidebook, will help tourists find the most places in the Philippines. You will find some famous attractions in the Philippines, like the Chocolate of Bohol, Mayon Volcano, and the Underground River of Peurto Princesa, Palawan, and others.
After you read the inside of the passport some of the countries, which one do you like?
International Wealth. 2022. Rating of The Most Beautiful Passport in The World. by Nov 7th, 2022).
Mental Floss. 2017. 15 of the World's Most Beautiful Passport. (accessed by Nov 7th, 2022).
The Travel Intern. 12 Coolest Passports from around the World — A Flipbook, Glow-In-The-Dark Designs, and…. 2020. (accessed by Nov 7th, 2022).
31 Comment
baca artikel tentang passport ini jadi bertanya-tanya pada diri sendiri, kapan saya juga bisa punya passport yaa? Pasti rasanya senang bisa memilikinya dan kemudian bisa menjelajah negara-negara yang sebelumnya hanya dilihat lewat foto atau video yang dibagikan teman-teman
ReplyDeleteSaya juga sama, sampai sekarang blm juga punya passport. Padahal meskipun tidak ada rencana dan kemungkinan ke luar negeri, mengurus passport bisa berguna jika ada kebutuhan mendadak ke LN. Temen saya sering nyuruh saya bikin passport dari sekarang.
Deleteomg I want to have all these passports :D
ReplyDeleteWhich one kak heheh
DeleteBaru tahu kalau paspor sekarang indah2, ya. Jadi pengin bikin paspor lagi biar bisa dikoleksi
ReplyDeletepunya banyak paspor dong ya mba hehehe
DeletePaspor Indonesia unik dan bagus ya mbak. Tetapi konon katanya kemarin pernah denger paspor terbaru dari Indonesia sempat dilarang di beberapa negara. Semoga aja sekarang udah clear.
ReplyDeleteLha. Masa iya paspor dari Indonesia sempat dilarang di beberapa Negara. Padahal bagus pisan itu paspor Indonesia. Ada badak cula satunya. Pingin punya paspor akutu. Belum pernah buat.
DeleteWah, bagus banget, aku belum punya jadi pengen bikin deh hehehe. Klo dulu kan desaignnya kaku dan resmi
ReplyDeleteWah ternyata pasaport Indonesia sudah ngegemesin ya desainnya kak. Dengan gambar badak di depan, berarti asli ya.. #eeeh becanda.. Hehehe
ReplyDeleteAku pikir semua passport sama indahnya, ternyata tergantung masing-masing negara juga yaa..
ReplyDeleteSenang sekali kini sudah aktif travelling keluar negeri lagi, kak Mei.
Dan seneng sama Hungarian passport. Tapi passport setiap negara yang cantik dan indah begini bisa dijadikan koleksi dan kenang-kenangan setelahnya.
Belum pernah punya passport, huhuhu... Jadi saya enggak tahu kalau ternyata passport Indonesia termasuk kategori yang cantik... Makasih ya, sekarang jadi tahu, hehehe...
ReplyDeleteJadi membangkitkan semangat buat bikin Paspor, apalagi masing² negara dalam artikel punya keunikan tersendiri.
ReplyDeleteKumpulkan dokumen yang diperlukan ah
Belum pernah punya passport dan pengennya ntr passport pertama untuk ke tanah suci, eaa.. semoga ada rezeki bisa keliling dunia dan icipin passport negara di dunia satu per satu, aamiin!
ReplyDeleteaku juga bangga ama pasporku mba, cuma kurang suka aja ama warna covernya haha ijo mbulak gitu. coba kalo sage green yang lebih modern gitu ya hahah
ReplyDeleteThe new Indonesia passport is indeed better and prettier than the old one
ReplyDeleteAnd the Canada's, wow looked so amazing and cool!
akhirnya pada tahun 2019 aku punya passport dan memang passport Indonesoa salah satu passport yang cantik, akan lebih cantik lgi kalau aku bisa mengisi kembali capnya kwkwkwkw
ReplyDeletebikin passport akhir 2019, dan awal 2020 pandemi, hangus sudaaah passport masih polosss jadinya wkwkwk..
ReplyDeleteWah, ternyata banyak ya paspor paspor yang indah
ReplyDeleteMenarik untuk dijadikan koleksi y mbak
Ah jadi pengen bikin paspor
Jadi pengen punya passport nih, sapa tau ketrigger harus bisa ke luar negeri hehe
ReplyDeletePasspor Indonesia yang baru ya itu? Cakep banget. Passporku masih yang lama dan polosan. Semoga nanti pas perpanjangan dapat buku yang baru ini
ReplyDeleteAku belum punya mbk passports semoga suatu hari kelak bisa ke luar negeri, kalau suami sudah punya
ReplyDeleteCuma sekali pernah punya passport hihi, semoga impianku keliling dunia suatu saat bisa terwujud, aminn
ReplyDeleteWah Indonesia juga masuk negara yang punya paspor terbagus ya. Keren! Jadi pengen bisa punya paspor sendiri deh secara selama ini memang belum ada paspor. Yaaa semoga aja nanti bisa punya juga biar bisa jalan2 ke luar negeri.
ReplyDeleteWah aku jadi googling satu persatu passport seluruh dunia, and I'm agree that Norway passport is the most unique and beautiful
ReplyDeletewih semuanya bagus-baguus. saya baru ngeh kalo paspor di berbagai negara punya gambar yang unik. khususnya ketika dilihat pake sinar ultra violet. semoga soon saya punya paspor sendiri dengan gambar komodo dan raflesianya yang cantik. dulu pernah punya paspor tapi paspor umroh hehe dan kalo ga salah polos2 aja tuh kayaknya, ga ada yg spesial.
ReplyDeleteWaah..jadi penasaran dg paspor2 yg disebut di sini, karena nggak semuanya terlihat foto/ videonya ya.. Bersyukur juga ternyata paspor Indonesia juga termasuk yg bagus ya...
ReplyDeleteSadly, I never have a passport yet. Hopefully someday I have Indonesian passport. Especially before going to Mecca/Jedah.
ReplyDeletePaspor Indonesia yg ditolak itu katanya karena ga ada tanda tangannya ya?
Pas baca artikel ini bertanya-tanya, apakah cuman saya yang belum punya passport? eh ternyata di komen paling atas, si Ira juga sama.
ReplyDeleteSemoga suatu saat bisa punya passport dan bisa traveling keluar negeri dengan anak-anak, aamiin :)
Passport Indonesia yang biasa aja juga nggak apa-apa, yang penting bisa keluar negeri hahaha
Banyak juga passport passport cantik dari berbagai negara ya mbak
ReplyDeleteSaya sampai sekarang belum punya passport
Semoga bisa segera punya, biar bisa merasakan jalan jalan ke luar negeri
Wah, Mbak Meii. Terima kasih sudah menuliskan negara mana saja yang memiliki pasport terindah. Dan aku bangga Indonesia juga masuk, hihihi. Bangga juga karena aku sudah memiliki pasport ini :D
ReplyDeleteSilakan berkomentar dengan bijak dan positif. Terima kasih.