Bali has many best places that you can visit for a holiday. You can design your itinerary by your need. You can choose the mount, beach, city, nature, or others. You can find it in Bali. But if you have a short time, what to do in Bali?. No worries, I have some recommended places you can choose. And here are the best places in Bali for your short holiday.

thunk what to do in bali

The best places in Bali for your short holiday


Are you a trekker? Don't miss it. One of the best things to do in Bali is visited Mount Batur. Mount Batur is one of the best places you can visit during your holiday in Bali. You can enjoy the best scenery from the top of a volcano mountain. You will get an unforgettable sunrise view from the top. To get the best sunrise, you must wake up earlier and reach the top of the mountain before dawn. Visit this sacred mountain from April to September to get the best scenery.


If you are an animal lover or photographer, visit the Monkey Forest, a natural and sacred site. It houses hundreds of monkeys which are known as long-tail macaques. The monkeys swing on the trees and clamber on the wall. You can visit the Monkey Forest Bali from 9 am to 5 pm on Sunday to Monday. You must pay the ticket 60.000 IDR per person to enter this Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary. The tourist can walk through paved pathways from the entrance gate.

While visiting this forest, you have to make sure about your belonging. Don't bring any food into the area. Never touch the monkeys. You can do it if only the guide permits you to contact them, take a video or take some pictures. Also, avoid eye contact with this animal too.


Bali is known well, having many temples, and one of them is Uluwatu Temple. The original named is Pura Luhur Uluwatu. Only the Hindu worshipper are allowed to enter this sacred temple. Coming here before the sunset, then you will enjoy the beautiful view and excellent sunset. In this temple, you will find monkeys too. Save your belonging in your bag.

kecak dance in uluwatu

Besides enjoying the beautiful scenery, the tourist also enjoys Tari Kecak as one of the beautiful attractions. Tari Kecak will be held every day from 5 to 6 pm. The entrance ticket is 150.000 IDR per person.


The Tirta Empul Holy Water Temple was founded in 926 A.D. (Anno Domini). You were also known as a holy water spring, believed to be blessed water that could purify those who bathed there. The presence of spring inside attracts money tourists to visit this place. You can see this holy water spring in the earlier morning or noon. You can enter the water fully clothed, using a sarong and sash. You can rent the sarong and belt to the operator.


Garuda Wisnu Kencana is one of the popular destinations in Bali, one of Bali's new destinations. Located in Ungasan, Badung. Tourists can reach this place easily from the city. About ten to fifteen minutes from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Garuda Wisnu Kencana was designed as the tallest statue in Indonesia, over 120 meters in height. It was designed by Nyoman Nuarta, a famous architect in Indonesia. The landmark is currently a part of G20. 


Penglipuran is one of the famous traditional villages in Bali, located in Bangli. This village is renowned as a tourist destination in Bali because the community still preserves its traditional culture daily. Besides, in 2016, Penglipuran won as one of the cleanest villages in the world.

In 1995, the village community of Penglipuran received the Kalpataru Award for environmental sustainability because they preserve and protect the bamboo forest in their local ecosystem.

If you want to visit this traditional village, come on the weekdays. Because on the weekend you will find many tourists coming to this place. It will be busy. The entrance fee for Indonesian adults is 25.000 IDR, and for foreigners, 30.000 IDR and the entrance fee for Indonesian children is 20.000 IDR, and for foreigners, 25.000 IDR.


Kelingking beach is one of the best popular destinations in Bali. In 2021, Kelingking Beach was recently crowned as the Most Instagrammable Beach. When you visit this city, you have to spend your time here. There are so many fascinating spots in this paradise. You will see the fantastic beach from the top. An incredible hidden beach with deep turquoise blue waters, powdery white sand, and stunning views.

Bali is a fantastic place that you can visit. Come to this city on the weekdays, no high session. You can go with a Bali map or use a Bali destination tour. Even Bali never feels quiet, but you can enjoy the moment on the weekdays better. Have you been there? Please feel free to share with us your memories there. Or you may have other recommendations when visiting Bali. Leave your moment in the comment box below.

39 Comment

  1. visiting Bali is one of my dreams. My second son loves Bali's dancing and traditional myth such as Leak. That's one of the reasons why I want to visit Bali someday. pengen banget nih ke penglipuran village.

  2. Bali ga pernah gagal kalau soal tempat wisata. Ada banyakkk banget dan menarik untuk dikunjungi.
    sampe sekarang belum semua tempat wisata di Bali aku kunjungi, kayaknya kalau ke Bali ga pernah lama, mentok mentok 3 harian
    pengen gitu tiap ke Bali bikin itinnya yang beda-beda dari sebelumnya, jadi biar tempat wisata di bali khatam aku kunjungi

  3. uluwatu emang cakeup banget.. tapi kalau ke bali lagi aku kepengin wisata pantainya ituuh banyak yaa pantai2 baru di bali yang cakep2 dan wajib dikunjungi

  4. Tempat favorit di Bali buat saya Desa Panglipuran dan tau kenapa ga pernah bosen berkunjung ke dua destinasi itu hehe

    1. Wah sepertinya asik ya kak Bayu.
      Daku belum pernah ke sana.
      Rekomennya kak Mei didukung sama testimoninya kak Bayu, kan jadi kepengen dong daku

  5. Every day is Sunday in Bali, yeaay! Bali is the best place for holiday.

    I never watch any Kecak dance yet. Maybe someday if I can go to Bali, I can watch it.

    There are so many beaches in Bali and I want to go to Kelingking Beach. Kuta is too mainstream wkwkkw.

    Do you want to go to Bali, too?

  6. Those places are completely awesome. The scenery is so beautiful 🤩. Unfortunately, I haven't been there...

  7. Selalu banyak spot yg keren untuk dijelajahi, spot baru yg menarik wisatawan, tapi aku nggak pernah bosen sama Kuta, pengin berjemur dan nonton sunset

  8. duh, semuanya seru untuk dikunjungi, sudah beberapa lokasi yang diriku kunjungi tapi kalau ada kesempatan lagi mau banget dong kesana lagi. masukkan kedalam list dulu deh siapa tahu ada kesempatan lagi

  9. Bali is indeed a tourist paradise, Miss. There are always interesting places to visit. That's why Bali continues to be visited. Hopefully I can go to Bali soon. Amen

  10. Bali is the best place to enjoy culture and holidays. Next year hopefully can go to Bali...

  11. huhu.. membahas tentang liburan lagi hiks. Tapi oke sih aku jadi punya referensi saat ke Bali ntar ya.salah satu tempat yang ingin aku kunjungi suatu saat nanti..

  12. Bali is one of the most wanted place that I want to visit to holiday. But I don't have a chance to do it. I know that many beautiful place there.

  13. Bali has a lot of favorite place to explore. But don't just explore and take a lot of selfie, tourist also have to be responsible during their trip to Bali.
    Instead of visiting the famous places, try to travel to Desa Wisata and meet a lot of local people to support their life and environment.

  14. Ke Bali ini masih dalam impian mba Mei. Semoga bisa terwujud wisata bareng keluarga.

  15. Yang nomor 5-6 daku pernah baca bahwa itu memang lokasi asik ketika di Bali.
    Ah memang asik deh kalau ke Bali, banyak destinasinya yang sekalian bisa menambah wawasan budaya juga

  16. belum pernah ke Bali sama sekali nih Mbak, dan noted nih, semua wajib dimasukkan dalam itinerary deh kayaknya kalau mau ke Bali, someday, seriuuusss, pengen banget bisa ke Bali :)

  17. Baru sekali ke Bali dan pengin traveling lagi ke sana karena masih banyak tempat wisata yang ingin dijelajah. Terutama yang berhubungan dengan pantai dan kulinernya. Semoga ada kesempatan untuk ke Bali lagi.

  18. Setuju mbak
    Bali adalah tempat liburan yang nggak ada matinya
    Banyak tempat tempat indah di Bali yang akan sangat menarik jika dikunjungi ya

  19. Nggak ada habisnya ya kalo bicara tentang tempat wisata di Bali. Tekomendasi tempat-tempat yang perlu dikunjungi juga oke banget!

  20. Bali emang ngga ada matinyaaaa, aslii semua tempat kayaknyaa jadi memori yang ngga akan terlupakan, dan kayak: semua orang tahu nih pasti di Bali gitu lhoo

  21. daya tarik bali tuh emang ga ada habisnya ya, selain wisata alam, wisata budayanya juga melekat dan hidup, bahkan bisa dibilang jadi daya tarik utama

  22. duhhh pas banget pingin liburan ke bali. jadi masukin semuanya dulu kelist . kalau sudah sampai ke bali langsung OTW satu satu buat direalisasikan dong!

  23. Nusa Dua Bali is indeed a bucket list of tourism that is eager to be realized because of its worldwide beauty.

  24. aaaaa terima kasih info infonyaaa, lagi pengen banget liburan ke bali juga nih akuu, catet dulu aaah mau aku masukin ke list nih semoga tahun depan bisa kesampean liburan ke bali eehehehee

  25. Gak heran deh Bali jadi destinasi wisata yg banyak dikunjungi orang berkali-kali, pesonanya emang selalu memikat

  26. Masih merencanakan untuk liburan ke Bali. What-to-do nya bisa jadi referensi nih. Tambah satu lagi sih kalau buatku, meet up dengan sahabatku di sana. Wajib!

  27. Kapan ya bisa liburan ke Bali banyak tempat yang pengen bngt aku kunjungi blm lama anakku dah dluan ksana dan bkin aku pengen ksanaa karena memang juara bngt tempat2 wisatanya

  28. Kapan ya ke Bali lagi. Pengen lihat tari kecak, ngaben sama main ke nusa dua Bali. Kayaknya semua tempat bagus semua dan berkesan.

  29. Bali memang ga gagal dalam mendeksripsikan keindahannya. berjuluk “The Island of Paradise” menjadikannya tempat favorit bagi wisata manca negara ataupun lokal. Semuanya lengkap

    (Oh iya sedikit ralat. Kelingking beach adanya di Nusa Penida bukan nusa dua yg setau aku itu area kisaran bandara)

  30. Been there couple times, but still wanna visit Bali again. I want to go to Panglipuran with my family. It's a cool place. Hope someday can be there for enjoying this place.

  31. Thank you for your recommended places to visit in Bali. I hope I'll gá»— there in 2023, with all My family .

  32. Bali ga pernah gagal mengenai keindahan alamnya selalu jatuh cinta kalo kesana

  33. Bali salah satu surga untuk wisatawan, salah satu kota yang sangat saya kagumi dan ingin saya datangi setiap waktu. Banyak sekali tempat yang seru, alamnya juga selalu buat saya jatuh cinta dan gagal move on, penduduknya yang ramah adat yang sangat istimewa. Pantas saja Bali selalu jadi tujuan wisatawan, karena Bali tidak pernah gagal menyuguhkan keindahannya sedemikian rupa.

  34. Bali itu biasanya identik dengan wisata fashion dan juga pantai. Tapi sebenarnya banyak juga ya wisata yang perlu dijelajahi. Mungkin ini yang menjadikan Bali sangat populer di kalangan dunia internasional. Tapi dengan itu semoga menjadikan Bali dikenal sebagai bagian dari negara Indonesia.

  35. Noted nih semua tempat-tempat yang direkomendasikan, secara belum pernah ke Bali nih jadi pengen banget suatu hari nanti bisa merasakan juga berbagai wisata di Bali :)

  36. Bali seolah gak pernah lelah untuk memanjakan wisatawan yang datang berlibur ke sana yaa. Saya yang kepengen banget bisa ke Bali berdoa semoga saya bisa menginjakkan kaki ke sana dan mengunjungi tempat-tempat tersebut

  37. Pernah ke Bali tapi belum pernah menjelajahi beberapa wisata yang tersebut di atas, mbak. Sekalipun cukup dekat sih spot wisata dengan tempat tinggal saudara
    Pokoknya kalau berwisata di Bali nggak bakalan bosen karena ada banyak wisata yang disuguhkan dengan pemandangan asri yang wajib untuk dikunjungi lagi di waktu mendatang

    Ahh kangen berlibur ke Bali deh jadinya

  38. sampai hari ini aku cuma bisa memandang pemandangan bali dari tv atau layar hape. semoga suatu saat nanti ada rezekinya buat bisa melihat langsung keindahannya


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